Custom Avatar selections

It should be possible to purchase multiple items when building a Custom Avatar. For instance, in the outfits if you want a mustache and a pair of glasses, it does not allow you to purchase both. You can purchase one item only. Since these items rotate on an undetermined basis, it may not show back up for a while. Doesn’t seem like this would be a big programming change to allow multiple purchases.

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To make beards possible for avatars to wear, they had to be designed as a mask. With this being the case, glasses and beards cannot be worn at the same time.

However, we have passed along feedback for new accessories to be made that includes a beard and glasses together.


@Samantha Thank you for the consideration though I don’t think it will be necessary to pursue that direction. More than likely it would be developed in a style that would not be selected or there would be a need to ask if it could be made with a different color or different glasses for instance. So it would probably lead to a never ending direction. Individual pieces to buy and put together would be the better option since you can choose those individual pieces that you want. So if it ever could be developed in that direction it would be worth it.

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@PB234 the same problem happens whenever you try to select any two items in that category, which is know as Face on 7 Seas. Can’t combine glasses and earrings either.

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