More on Buildings - ratio analysis

With the introduction of the new Tier 15 buildings, I was bored and decided to look at the ratios between each tier. I always view buildings in terms of gems with the conversion factor of 1 Gem = 25000 Building Tokens. Here are the buildings offered in the game:

Ratios are calculated as Tn/Tn-1. Since there are no Tier 19 or 20 Buildings, The Tier 21 ratio is calculated as (T21/T18)^(1/3).

Note the ratios are not constant. For example, a tier 8 building is 200% of a tier 7 Building, But a tier 9 Building is 250% of a tier 8 Building.

Here a graph of the growth rate, which is mostly exponential:

To really see the differences, it’s best to use a logarithmic scale for the gem value:

If the growth was perfectly exponential, this graph would appear as a straight line. You can clearly see the ratios are lower for the buildings above tier 14.


So the lower the percentage then ultimately a better value in the end?

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I vote No.
You MUST use T1-6 = to 100Gems to Build a L1(T7) Monument.
You MUST use T7-9 = to 900Gems to Evolve a L1 to L2(T10).
You MUST use T10-14 = to 9000Gems to Evolve L2 to L3(T15).
You MUST use T14-18 = to 70000Gems to Evolve L3 to L4(T21)

There is no way to BEAT the system on Buildings :smiley:

I will say this and you can decide what to do if you BUY here!
I would get 198,000,000 Building Bucks for $100.
At 25K per Gem, My Gem value for $100 is 227,500,000 BBs!

In my opinion, the Best way to see the Value of the Buildings and Monuments in your City is to look at the Players above and below you in the City Rankings :smiley: Do this Before and After you Collect your Coins/Prizes! Value will be revealed :smiley:

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Morning @PB234, I believe @Elanor is simply sharing information on how the CasinoWorld developers are handling naming and numbering conventions, and it isn’t related to value in any way. If you think about it, whether they categorize it as Tier 25 or Tier 21 makes no real difference, it’s just a labeling choice.


Thank you @Night_Guy

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I know it’s a little lazy but I’d love a list itinerary of my city somewhere in my profile

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Again First World Problems!

I can only afford CVs and certainly cant afford Tier 14 and above.

Of course if someone wants to Gift me 50 B building bucks, I would stock many great buildings into my City!

Hugs Regina

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