Slot machine question

What happens if I stop in the middle of the spinning slot after the “achievement” challenge came through. I know I’m going to win big, but if I hit the stop in the middle of the spin, would I still get the big win, or will it disrupt my win?

I wouldn’t stop it during the challenge, I’m just curious. Have anyone used a stop button in the middle of the “non challenge” spin and have success?

Also, during the daily challenge e.g.,win $150K in slot, I’ll see at the bottom left that I already won before the slot spins. Are all incoming slots programmed to win or lose?

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I don’t know about slots but I’ve seen challenge counters change ahead of what I’ve see on screen in a game before now; maybe the player interface isn’t as speedy in displaying wins as the system is in seeing wins

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Thank you for your input! I’ll just let the cards fall where they may. :slight_smile:

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nothing happens, You will realize that when you get an achievement before you get free spins, and that achievement is something you completed during the free spins even though you havent seen the spins happen yet.
I posed this question to the devs and what I was told was

The actual spinning happens on the servers before its channeled to your screen. This is how they are able to refund bets if you get disconnected while playing any game. An achievement notice you receive has already been cataloged prior to your starting the spins. How many spins do we really lag behind the servers is anyones guess.
Hope that explains it. I was disheartened at the explanation myself.

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Well, goodness gracious, lol. I’d be disheartened too. Thank you for sharing that experience.

YES :slight_smile: I use the STOP Button :slight_smile: Spin-Stop-Spin-Stop, Over and Over! I can make 50Spins in less than 1min (if no FreeSpins) :smiley: I learned it trying to get a 50Spin Challenge at 11:55PM LOL! It worked GREAT. Got my Challenge but took some Time for the Charms to Payout. Plus, I only Play at 10K bets on Slots for Challenges using 2 sets of Nectar on Top of 2 sets of Mushrooms! I never cared much for those “OneArmedBandits” :frowning:

the space bar is faster to use to stop the wheels.
All except Cosmic and Bounding. If you get auto spin started it locks out the space bar.
the bad: the space bar can glitch the spin button(it turns white) during free spins. you’re locked with only one option to spin the wheels. leave and restart is the only correction but will you have changed your luck?

Extra tip for anyone who may not have come across it yet. If you click on the Pay Table in any slot you can check a box to Enable faster auto spins.

Checking it once will apply to all slots.


WOW! TYVM! Went srraight there and Turned that ON :slight_smile:

I thank Stardust for the faster auto spin tip and Stevesunset for his vast knowledge to help make this forum more interesting for us new comers.

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