Updates needed for Fringo achievements and game loading.

@Samantha After playing nearly four full days of my life playing Fringo I still have not completed all of the achievements. “Leap Frog” and “One Step Beyond” on Ananas Island, and “Magic Carpet Ride” on Maharajah Island are the ones I have not completed. They all require jumping many spots on the leaderboard when there are never that many players ever playing. I think CW needs to delete these achievements altogether, or update them with different requirements.
Also, if you join a game after it has already started, within the first five fruits, your playing card doesn’t match up with the most of the fruits that are coming across the top. In each game the type of fruits on the board alternate slightly from game to game, and if you join a game in progress more likely than not your board is a different variation.

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pay attention to the background of the card. I’ve noticed that there are times when even though you haven’t switched islands, that the background will be different which means the board is a different islands board. I think its because there are 3 islands that playing off the same fruits being drawn. Occassionally I’ve found that if you accept a card, then quit that island. check your achievements/profile, then restart that island. There’s a good possibility that you’ll notice the difference in backgrounds. OCCASSIONALLY…its not like its a fix, its just something I noticed but it doesn’t happen all time. None of the issues I’ve seen break the game so I doubt that without video proof the work ticket won’t get elevated until they have time.

I agree, you can play for a month, and may hit one hour or two where you actually see enough players to beat those achievements. First island, 20, 11-20 place is another.
Second Island the last fruit getting you first place( I can’t find any common factor that helps determine which fruit will be last.) There are other issues, last night I came in second place on an island, the last fruit game me a full board, click on it, the color changed but I didn’t get credit for a full board, I was in first for the last 5 fruits, someone else tied my score and they gave the tie to that player.

If someone wants to try and video the issues, please do. They’re probably not ready for me to open another ticket. I’ve had to submit requests almost every other week since I started. Not sure if what I’ve been seeing is due to the version of the app I use (MS store version).

That said @roland_black is right, i play fringo daily and admit those achievement aren’t reasonably completable given the current criteria. I think they should be more fringo wide achievements. That regardless of the island, if you do it on any island you should get credit for it. That’s actually a realistic challenge.

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On top of it there is no overall achievement for completing all Fringo Islands. Just like there are no achievements for completing every pond in LilyPond Solitaire, and every level in Mahjong. Yet there are achievements for playing 1250 games of video porker in a session. Raise your hand if you’ve done that one and let me know how long it took.

I agree completely. My issue has been with Piccola island: Daubing two columns first. I’ve been at it maybe 3 months and over 100 games playing against 17/18 players and sometimes 3 or so. Every time someone beats me to it? I find that hard to believe,

You have to daub any two columns all the way without putting a single daub in any other column. I don’t think you have to beat anybody to it. The same goes where it tells you to daub certain paylines first. There’s one where you have to do 2, 4, and 6 first. Highlight those paylines, and only daub those fruits. Ignore all others.

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LOL !! Well that’s ambiguously worded. I thought it was a race! Well I might as well try it!

Yep that worked. Never occurred to me.

Is there really a black currant in Kalinka Island? I never see one.

Yep. Looks like a purple cranberry.

I’ve never seen on in that game.

Made a mistake on the last post.
There are three that look alike

3 blue orbs with two leaves
3 red orbs
(I think this is right…I went through 80 cards and couldn’t find an example)
Black Currant
3 purple orbs with 2 leaves