Veteran's Day medal

I was so disappointed when I attended a party tonight, on Veteran’s Day, and could not access the veteran’s medal that has been available for several days. Please do not remove holiday themed charms before the holiday is over.

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I agree… whats the point when its really needed… not available. Thank You all for your service


hmm, I noticed a medal in some parties. Honestly there are two charm sellers? I don’t know why they are separated, but it would be nice to access all avaible charms for party donations without having to leave the party per se.

It should be available ALL the time.

I come from a family who’ve served since we immigrated generations ago. Although I understand the desire. Some things have more meaning when they are rarer.

I will never forget their service and sadly enough there are those is this country that don’t treat Vets with honor and respect and that includes our own Pentagon.
For me, One grandpa was a tail gunner in a bomber doing runs over germany in ww2, and the other was a Bataan Death March PoW. My Father served AF, My little brother has actually been in the marines and is now AF/National Guard. My mothers brothers served during Nam like my dad, and how they were treated left an anger in me. My uncles were abused by police after they returned. Permanent brain damage for marine scout who was doused with Agent Orange and beaten by his own division. Although I wanted to serve, I couldn’t pass the physical and after my uncles even my father was against me signing up. I loved hanging out with the pilots when I was a kid. Like most at the time I wanted to be an astronaut.
If you want to show them you care, give tickets to parties or spins at the fishes, and say this is for your service. I’ve done that a number of times, ambush gifting. A single medal has meaning 600 medals are just fodder. But I did like having the medal for Veteran Day, yet Veterans Day is one out of 365, why stop saying thanks on the other 364

just my two cents worth