I love the little page on my profile that tells me all the achievements I’ve reached in different games. But as for the ones I haven’t reached I’d like to know how close I am. For example I’m currently spinning away in Fast Women to get to the 100,000 mark, yet I have no idea if I’m closer to 80,000 spins or 100,000, probably somewhere in between. CW knows because when I do reach that amount like I have in so many other slots, boom achievement awarded. I would like to have my own counter to view, that’s all.
I have suggested this in the past and still think it is a useful addition.
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I have asked for that as well, considering they have the data its only a matter of programming a applet. If I had the time, I’d work on one…but that would require guidance from the devs and a month learning the language. Hopefully one day it’ll come to pass.