Hold Em Cards - 2 decks??

I was playing Hold em today and saw two winning hands have the exact same cards. they both had Q9 of diamonds on the same hand. I thought they only played with one deck at a time. Is that correct? if so how did this happen??

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Forgot to add I took a picture and it is logged in my profile. Might have the ID for the hand to figure out what happened. Thanks CW for checking into this.

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Thanks for taking the photos and sharing. I’ve never heard of anything like that happening in all the times I’ve played the game here and elsewhere.

Wow, I looked at the photo. Never seen that and I’ve played a lot of poker here.

if you look at the names the top player is ‘easy now’ and his name is superimposed over the bottom player ‘rocky road’
probably some type of browser glitch? like in parties where some people see you at the front of the room and others see you at the back

Lots of strange glitches happen in poker games on here, but this is pretty much the strangest. Ty TT for posting this.

I was doing the Pirate War challenge today and we both got an Ace of Clubs (I posted a new topic). “War” in real life is always played with a single deck!

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I was at a table last year when 2 players had EXACTLY the same name! I couldn’t believe it so I took a pic of it and it’s in my photos.

I was at a table once when 5 aces were shown. They had to have at least 2 decks to do that.