I wish there was some avenue you could develop that would show you who’s party, what type of charm and how many party passes are required when you receive a Party Invite from another player. You are most likely in an actual game when you receive this but not knowing what it will cost you to click to join or what is the reward makes you not want to attend. It could be a Party Blitz when you then have to use additional gems. So it would be helpful to have this information so you can make a decision on whether to join or not.
Thanks for your feedback. I’ve passed this along to our teams.
CW used to have something like this, but for some reason it didn’t last very long.
Flowpay has this feature on it’s sister game, SEVEN SEAS. I’m no programmer, but seems like it would be easy to copy???
CW: It would be helpful to know how many passes/etc are required when getting a party invite. Imagine, you are playing a game, get an invite, leave the game, can’t get in or don’t have enuf passes, use gems unintentionally and then lose your progress in the game??? See what I mean? I don’t see any advantage to CW to encourage players to ignore or decline party invitations because of insufficient data? Thank you