Greetings everyone!!! Can someone explain how to get one’s avatar to the higher places in the room not ordinarily available??? Thanks for your help.
I was wondering the same thing. Or trying to move behind the bar; that has eluded me thus far.
I’ve figured out how to climb the stairs in the Saloon but other than the occasional happenstance that’s it.
Whether they are intentional, I don’t know. Basically you’re doing is looking for the invisible seam in the graphics. A place where during the creation of the graphic, a small opening that isn’t visible, was missed.
I found one in an mmorpg, that took me into a vector graphic display of the upcoming areas they were working on. So technically programmer view them as glitches with unintended consequences.
Now where each is, your guess is as good as the next person. I would suggest watching people moving oddly near the borders and see if you can pinpoint the spot they move through it.
Normally you have no idea what will occur when you hit a seam. I’ve heard some people have lost their characters to corruption in other games, getting stuck inside the seam, or even been ejected from the server.
In that vector area I fell off a mtn that took 20 minutes of free fall before the system recognized me and killed me off and forced a shutdown of my game.
Every toon I’ve had in CW has had some issue that required deletion and restarting from scratch. And I’ve been dealing with the same thing with my current toon. Who know if this was caused by my searching. So messing with them can have undesireable results. Forewarned is Forearmed.
Hi NG,try to click on the bar and not behind it. You will find it if u see your mouse cursor become a finger and not an arrow. Hope this helps.
I worked at my own farmhouse and didn’t notice the change to a finger. But I did notice a variation in the colors, a very light odd shaped on the wood floor that appears to be the spot. I think the gazebo is just past the first set of curtains on the right side heading to the back of the room when you look at the screen. As I said, best way to find them is in your own city while you aren’t having a party. you’ll get the clearest/cleanest chance to perfect accessing the seam in your own city. In active parties someone is always going to get in your way changing the arrow to a finger, restricting movement.
You just tap around with your mouse around the feet of someone up there. Usually in a straight row from where their feet are. Also like going behind the charm window tap at your feet then in a certain area like at the R in the word charm at right bottom of charm window. You can go to your own room and practice. If the room is to crowded it makes it harder. So, try and get to the room early and give it a try! Also, depends on the browser you use. What works for one browser may work differently in a different browser like chrome, edge ect… Hope this helps, Hugs!
I was testing in the farmhouse, It’s weird. You need to move somewhere close to the fireplace, back away from it, then point the arrow at the base of the fire grill. right along the edge of it, the arrow should start to show a move point, the arrow will have a halo on the bricks at the grate/grill covering the fire. It’s that halo, that says its a spot to move to.
I tried that, and got the ‘high spot’ 2 out of 5 times…maybe it works only once per avatar, one person at a time?
I’ve seen at least 3 people up on the fireplace at the same time. There has to be a trigger spot that opens up the move. I’ve tried doing it from different areas but moving along the base of the fireplace seems to trigger the possibility. I’ll see if I can get a screenshot or two.
_back seems like its just a matter of clicking locations on the ledge. During a party it’s hard, too many people crowd near the fireplace to get a clean click. You’d need to go to the party early, say at least two minutes before it opens, some parties pre-fill rather quickly so best to get there before the the party opens to the public.
In the Castle Damien, there are like 14 spots. More than one Avatar can stand on the exact same spot. The spots move slight at times so you just have to click around ,until you find them. Up on the railing of the balcony, above the fireplace are usually three spots above each fireplace. In the corner in the back of the room red like dome is about 5 spots. One spot in each flower vase. Then you can also go behind the charm window and chat column by clicking at your feet and then around the bottom of the purple box. If you find the spot at each location then the other spots are in a straight row from it. keep practicing you’ll get there. Hope this helps.
I know nothing about Castle Damian…yet. Someday?
If you really want to look at what buildings are what…
Just note who the bigwigs are in the game, visit their city and visit the buildings.
Just as if you were arriving early for a party. That way you can see and practice in those places. Just if you are asked to leave, then thank them and go find another’s city.
@Northwoods_Girl Castle Damien is a building gift at milestone 47 on my lifetime milestones path
I’m nowhere even near that. Insert eyeroll.
As DL_Rimuru pointed out, the levitation line, as i like to call it, is a rip in the seam, a glitch in the programming. It is a horizontal line that extends most of the way across the rooms, not just spots. The problem in finding it is that it’s probably only one pixel wide. But, you can click any pixel along that horizontal line and levitate there.
FYI: Some of us have lost that ability in some rooms, and I don’t know why. I can no longer levitate in any Damien Castle as I used to do, but I can still levitate in the Saloon and in the Farmhouse and maybe others. Have fun! If you want further help with particulars, let me know. I might be able to help you find the lines.
I tried to find the line by watching for my insertion point to change to a finger, as Polina4 pointed out. I couldn’t find the line that way.
There are many of these spots in every room. It’s just a matter of finding the right place to click. My personal favorite is hiding behind the cactus by the saloon stairs.
I’ve been trying to climb those stairs for months, and I can’t manage to get behind the fence in the Gazebo. I KNOW there has to be a way, but I’ve never seen anyone do it!
I got on the back podium in the Wedding Chapel once but haven’t been able to do it since.