When I started here I had these Problems I can tell you, It was NOT a CW Problem! Its was MY ISP and MY Computer
In this “NEW Age” of Handling our Computers on our own, We are “OutGunned”! I Built my 1ST Computer 30+ Years ago!
For what I Paid for The Main Processor for My MotherBoard, I can BUY 5 Mini-PCs today
I’m not even going to Mention the Insanity of CellSmartPhones we have Today except for this line I Have the CW App on mine! But only for “Hey Goggle, Set a Timer for 10 Minutes.” LOL
OMG, I LOVE those TBs! They are not what I’m talking about now
TODAY, We “Seem” to be at the Mercy of the Powers to be?
Your #1 Enemy TODAY is Your ISP and THEIR CONCEPT of “BANDWITH”
Our Computing World Today is about “SPEED” How FAST can YOU “UpLoad and DownLoad” What “You Want”, NOT WHAT THEY WANT!
You have to TAKE CONTROL of YOUR PC and YOUR ISP Connection
If you can’t do that, You are DOOMED to have this “ReloadProblem” Forever
For ME, It is Simple because "I’ve been here and Done that?
I was using an OLD DesktopPC with Win7 OS connected by a Horrible ISP on my copper landline It was a fight everyday to get here and play!
I could not even get into a Party unless I was WAY Early. And forget about Dancing, Talking or Bringing a PET MY SUPER LOUSY ISP was causing ALL my PROBLEMS
I was given a Newer Laptop with Win10 which was Faster! But, I had to go through it and TURN OFF all the AUTO UPDATING it was trying to do ALL THE TIME, messing me up, taking my Bandwith Also, I had to TURN OFF ALL the Programs and Apps running in the Background I could care less about
OMG, I found Anti-virus Programs to be the Worst
They were in the Background “Ruining” EVERYTHING, Doing what they wanted to
#ONE Problem Solver - Make sure Your ISP Is giving you the “BandWith” you are PAYING FOR!!! And use a Hard-wired connection if you can. It is much Faster than Wireless!
Your ISP connects you to CW They Load everything Back and Forth between you and CW! You can Test YOUR Speed any time using a SPEED TEST Program, I use this one
I eventually found that was the ROOT of MY Reloading/Loading Problem! I got SO LUCKY! My Local Electric Company installed and Made FIBER Optic ISP connection available in my Rural Area I Jumped on Board and FIRED my Local Phone Company
And Saving Money to boot!
Right before that, During the Transition, My Home got hit by Lightning My Kinda Fast LapTop got Destroyed
And MY Phone Company Modem too
OMG, NO CW for me! My Wonderful Son came to my rescue, He Helped me do my challenges and sent me a Present
#TWO Problem Solver!
He sent me this Mini-PC with a Wireless KYB and Mouse! I already had SmartTV to connect it to AND WOW!!! I got the FIBER Connection and This MINI-PC and I am in ISP/PC CW Heaven, LMAO
And he only Paid $200 for New Stuff
Today, I Pay $60 a Month for my SuperFast Fiber ISP Connection
I have an Un-Believable TINY Super PC that cost less than $200!
I use Google for Everything
I am Truly a Happy CWer
You Can Be Too!