Problems with "ReLoading" Issues SOLVED 😁

When I started here I had these Problems :frowning: I can tell you, It was NOT a CW Problem! Its was MY ISP and MY Computer :frowning:

In this “NEW Age” of Handling our Computers on our own, We are “OutGunned”! :frowning: I Built my 1ST Computer 30+ Years ago! :smiley: For what I Paid for The Main Processor for My MotherBoard, I can BUY 5 Mini-PCs today :frowning:

I’m not even going to Mention the Insanity of CellSmartPhones we have Today except for this line :slight_smile: I Have the CW App on mine! But only for “Hey Goggle, Set a Timer for 10 Minutes.” LOL :smiley: OMG, I LOVE those TBs! They are not what I’m talking about now :smiley:

TODAY, We “Seem” to be at the Mercy of the Powers to be?
Your #1 Enemy TODAY is Your ISP and THEIR CONCEPT of “BANDWITH” :frowning:

Our Computing World Today is about “SPEED” :slight_smile: How FAST can YOU “UpLoad and DownLoad” What “You Want”, NOT WHAT THEY WANT! :frowning:

You have to TAKE CONTROL of YOUR PC and YOUR ISP Connection :slight_smile:

If you can’t do that, You are DOOMED to have this “ReloadProblem” Forever :frowning:

For ME, It is Simple because "I’ve been here and Done that? :slight_smile:
I was using an OLD DesktopPC with Win7 OS connected by a Horrible ISP on my copper landline :frowning: It was a fight everyday to get here and play!

I could not even get into a Party unless I was WAY Early. And forget about Dancing, Talking or Bringing a PET :frowning: MY SUPER LOUSY ISP was causing ALL my PROBLEMS :frowning:

I was given a Newer Laptop with Win10 which was Faster! But, I had to go through it and TURN OFF all the AUTO UPDATING it was trying to do ALL THE TIME, messing me up, taking my Bandwith :frowning: Also, I had to TURN OFF ALL the Programs and Apps running in the Background I could care less about :frowning: OMG, I found Anti-virus Programs to be the Worst :frowning: They were in the Background “Ruining” EVERYTHING, Doing what they wanted to :frowning:

#ONE Problem Solver - Make sure Your ISP Is giving you the “BandWith” you are PAYING FOR!!! And use a Hard-wired connection if you can. It is much Faster than Wireless!

Your ISP connects you to CW :slight_smile: They Load everything Back and Forth between you and CW! You can Test YOUR Speed any time using a SPEED TEST Program, I use this one :slight_smile:

I eventually found that was the ROOT of MY Reloading/Loading Problem! I got SO LUCKY! My Local Electric Company installed and Made FIBER Optic ISP connection available in my Rural Area :slight_smile: I Jumped on Board and FIRED my Local Phone Company :smiley: And Saving Money to boot!

Right before that, During the Transition, My Home got hit by Lightning :frowning: My Kinda Fast LapTop got Destroyed :frowning: And MY Phone Company Modem too :frowning: OMG, NO CW for me! My Wonderful Son came to my rescue, He Helped me do my challenges and sent me a Present :smiley: #TWO Problem Solver!

He sent me this Mini-PC with a Wireless KYB and Mouse! I already had SmartTV to connect it to :slight_smile: AND WOW!!! I got the FIBER Connection and This MINI-PC and I am in ISP/PC CW Heaven, LMAO :rofl:

And he only Paid $200 for New Stuff :open_mouth:

Today, I Pay $60 a Month for my SuperFast Fiber ISP Connection :slight_smile:

I have an Un-Believable TINY Super PC that cost less than $200! :smiley:

I use Google for Everything :slight_smile:

I am Truly a Happy CWer :heart_eyes:

You Can Be Too!

I’ve had loading problems but only intermittently, sometimes a few days in a row but then none for weeks at a time … puzzled

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You may have some Programs Updating in your Background without your knowlege. I turned all the Auto Updating OFF on my PC. Now I update when I want to, not when they want to :smiley: