Whisper lagging

I was wondering if anyone else was having problems with their Whispers taking forever to load up? Sometimes it takes at least 30 seconds to 1 minute for my whispers to come up and it has been happening quite frequently as of late.

Hi @JKay. I’ve been having problems with my whispers and chat lagging, opening my TB’s, selecting my next TB after opening one, and generally most pages taking forever to load, for about two weeks. My Inbox messages also take forever to send. It seems Flowplay must be doing a heck of a lot of updating to the site and it’s causing everything to lag. Nothing’s changed on my end.

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Thank you for your reply Luck_Is_ALady. I am also have the same problems with opening my TBs an selecting my next TB as well and also most pages taking forever to load. Wasn’t sure if it was a CW problem or my computer and, now I know the answer. Thank you for your help. Hopefully CW will correct this problem very soon because it is extremely frustrating.