The lost gems as prizes in Sea of Riches

Can you explain why there are no more gem prizes in Sea of Riches?


Have there ever been gems on Sea of Riches @Mr_Goofy I’ve never seen any Is there more than one version @Samantha?


Been playing for over 5 years and always have gems for Sea of Riches but gone today

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I think CW is going to lose money by eliminating gems from Sea of Riches.I spend alot of money yearly on the game but not anymore.


I’ve never seen gems as prizes in SOR. Gems are what we pay to play


For those saying they’ve never seen gems as prizes in SoR: Neither have I. But…there was a short time that there WERE gems as prizes. Supposedly people who were members then were grandfathered in and kept them. Everyone else never saw gems as prizes…


i had them until this morning


Accounts created before approximately end of 2021 originally had gems available in SOR. These accounts were meant to be grandfathered in, but it looks like CW has now leveled the playing field for everyone.


Night_Guy …ikr cw could of leveled that field and gave gems 2 all on SOR but that would make no CENTS .

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Exactly, they could adjust it in either direction. At least they phased out gems in favor of building bucks which were added about a year ago and are nearly as valuable.


Some get them some do not. . Sorta like life…

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I look at it this way “what you never had, you can’t miss”

I think it may have been too tempting to keep spending gems playing Sea of Riches if there were gems in the prizes

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Yes lost the gems in Sea of Riches and there is also the lie of VIP getting 1000 plus gems. 800 for the February rewards. Getting a bit cheap. Why should I invest when CW doesn’t value the customer and it seems to be dishonest.


VW had gems in SOR, but that was before my time. Guess the Powers That Be did away with the gems for old timers there, also.

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ive always had them!! sorry 2 have 2 say GB!! not a good thing???

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Gems were available on all spinners in SoR until a couple years ago. CW took them off for players who came on board after that, but left the gems on the spinners for those who were already in CW. They were grandfathered in.


I’m sure there’s a lot of players will agree that CW is not considering that we come play and for all to be treated the same VIP or not, don’t change the games that were offered in the beginning, when we all started years back. Now it’s less valuable to players to want to keep using your gems to buy tokens at sea of riches, and every crown should be the same for all. Also bullying seems to have gotten far worse since these leaderboards for cities have been posted, you don’t post jackpot winners for the reason that those who don’t want to be known for, what? This makes no sense posting higher cities but no jackpot winners. Reconsider all these negative changes listen to your players, bring the fun back that’s why we all came here.Give to us like before and we the people will support your company as we have.


**I will not be renewing my vip account in the future because of the removal of gems from see of riches I will also not be spending any more money on this site. **