Gems Generation

How can I get my City to generate more Gems???

I build, upgrade, invest as much as possible, but it seems Gem generation is abysmal and getting less every month. Can anyone share their monthly gem counts based on level achievement or building outputs.

I know this topic was discussed, at length, prior to the Help topic changes. It’s ashamed all that data is lost, there were many great tips and tricks now unavailable to new and existing members.

Appreciate anyone who would like to chime in on the issue again. Good luck to all.


Get the highest tier buildings you can afford.


Honeybadger, I have 40 T21 monuments and get like 1800 gems a day on the average, just enough to toss at parties or attend Blitz parties. The biggest windfall was when I reached CL 3 and they gave me a sack containing 24K Gems. Hope that helps.


Hi and thank you Michael B17 and Jimee. Wow. 1800 gems per day. That is sweet. Jimee, how does the 1800 gems per day compare to 6 months ago? Before the Help Page changes (ugh) many players reported much higher gem gifts. I remain confused, some said it was a computer glitch, others disagreed. I feel like I missed the boat on the gem giveaways. Anyway, have a great day everyone. Be well. Lynn


Honeybadger, like you I missed the boat too and only joined CW this year and heard a lot of stories from the seniors about how CW has cut down on party passes and gems by about 50%. There’s no reason not to believe these stories. It’s not that you’re doing anything wrong or there was a computer glitch. The simple answer is INFLATION. I’m in business and not saying whether the cuts were justifiable or not. Like you, I searched for a way to setup a self sustaining city that grows on its own without further investments. It is possible provided you;
-don’t gamble without sufficient charms,
-mooch at parties ( I did that first couple of months because I didn’t know I had to toss)
-don’t attend any parties that require gems.
-don’t play any games that require gems.
-reinvest all your gems into city buildings.
-have superhuman patience.
Well I’m none of that so I paid for my city with dollars.It’s not too bad if you make your major gem purchases on 2X gem days. Best of luck !


I didn’t even know my city could make gems. How does that work? I am really new here only been here about a month.


@Jimee could you give me a list of the games you’re talking about that require gems? The only ones I can think of where you can even use gems are the Sea of Riches, Fringo and Mahjong. Gems are not required just to play those games though. You only need to spend gems if you want/need to buy extra spins or power-ups.

For SOR you get free spins that become monthly after you complete certain MS levels, from the reward road, and gifts from your friends. Fringo and Mahjong both give you free power-ups every day, although you do need to collect them. I’m not sure whether you can buy additional power-ups in Lilypond Solitaire, but it also gives you free ones to collect every day.

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I just checked and you can use gems to buy additional power-ups in Lilypond Solitaire. I don’t play that very often, so had to chek.

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Hi Danny, City buildings can produce gems, treasure boxes can produce gems, not really a lot, depending on how big your city is, mine produce 1800 gems a day for me on the average, just enough to toss at parties, not enough to reinvest in the city.

Hi Luck is ALady, you already answered your own question about what games require gems better than I can. BTW, Lilypond is the vehicle I use to get to where I am, always buy the 50 Powerup games for 250 gems, so that’s 5 gems a game, play 10M a game
to make it worth while. Playing this way, I will win about 2M coins a game on the average plus whatever coins it triggers the charms to pour. If I play slots or Cha Chingo or Sparkplug, I will lose about 15% of my 10M bet, that can be offset by the coins from the charms of course but that 5 gems I pay to play Lilypond is worth 3.5M coins a good deal I think. If you buy a beer charm for 5 gems, it will pay only about 21K coins, even if you 25X that at a party, will still only yield 525K coins.

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@Jimee, my point is that AFAIK none of the games on CW “require” you to use gems, which was the term you used. I play all those games although usually only for challenges, but when I do I use the free power-ups that I collect every day, and have never spent gems to buy additional ones.

You’ve determined that it’s worth it to you to spend gems buying additional power-ups to play Lilypond which is fine, but that was a choice you made about how you want to play it, not a requirement just to play the game.


There is one game that does “require” you to use gems to play and that is KENO as far as i am aware this is the only one.


Ty for adding that game to the discussion @01_Jet . I haven’t played Keno since it was first introduced, so I totally forgot that you have to use gems to play it.


No i haven’t either they give you a free 5 gem go when they first introduced the game and nearly everybody who took up the offer won 400k, i learned the hard way and used a lot of gems and didn’t win anything after that 400k. Not a good game in my opinion.


01 Jet what about Sea of Riches? That one requires gems

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Hi Jimee, thank you for your reply agreed about the Sea of Riches if you have no free ones that you get at the start of the month and rewards for challenges then you have to use gems. I only use the free ones, unless i have used them and then we get Sea of Riches for a challenge.
I don’t know if you have ever played KENO but you have no option but to use gems not recommended.


Even with Free ones hold on to them until a day like today (10/25) when prizes are doubled.

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Hi Mister Kev, yes most definitely i save them till double the prizes i always look forward to this day, even if they don’t do double the prize day i will save them until the following month. So happy they added Building Bucks to it ( thank you CW ) plus it does give me a welcome break from the other games i play on here. Hope you win big with your spins good luck. :fish: :turtle:

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Rimuru found the city chest breakdown so you know which on someones profile page. Knowing which chest to pick is big. As far as how a city produces gems, I am relatively new, so the only thing I can think is that the number of larger buildings really matters. Having 200 tier 1 buildings isn’t going to bring as much as 5 monuments. Use gems to buy tier 6 when you can, 2 tier 6 makes one monument. Pick one or two monuments to focus one, I have 3 rares right now. upgrading monuments require buildings of a similar level to the monument. Keep upgrading one, then repeat I think its about 7 or 8 level 1 monuments to upgrade it to lvl 2. lvl 8 tier buildings and above become real expensive, so I’m just building enough low level monuments to add another higher tier. I get up to 200 tickets or gems for the higher end boxes an my city reached legend status yesterday, ranked just under 5100. I don’t know if this is good for someone only playing since august. But hopefully it gives you an idea on a path.

Games that cost gems, KENO and Lottery. Others charge gems for bonus items such as solitaire/fringo/mahjong. Mahjong at 10m a game is a simple although tedious means of increasing wealth. I have pulled between 2 and 10m profit per game. Even if i fail I can usually make more than I bet. Fringo focus on achievements as they give you bonus items. The sol/fringo/mahjong all have a daily sign in, so just activating these games on a daily basis will keep you earning bonus items.
Their are two different specials on Sea of Riches, don’t get them confused, as one doubles everything, and one doubles just the fish bonus.


Rimuru. very astute obversations from you. Welcome to CW, you will go far.

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