How to use charms in slots?

I bet from 250 - 500K on slots. From reading post, 4 clover charms are recommended for bigger payout. I would like to know what everyone’s experience on what clover charms they select for big payouts in playing slots.

My income is only 12B, so 4 clover charms is not in my budget at this time.

By no means is this a standard, its just what I’ve gleaned from the charms.
Anything under 100k bet, its good to use the 1 clover, anything above they will bleed out fast. 100k I use 2 clover, for 250k I’ll use 3 clover, and if I don’t have any 4 or 5 clover, I just go without on the 500k. I’ve burned thru 1800 charms in 2 hours, mostly because I wasn’t noticing how fast they burn up when you overreach their tier. My memory isn’t the greatest but I do know there was someone who had a list of the amounts some charms paid out. At least the more popular ones. That may give you an idea of which 3 clover charms might be more capable of producing at the 500k without a one shot bump. I will say, I tried using 4 and 5’s playing 50m a hand bj, and a rocket usually would go after one hand. So in summation, 500k bets, youre going to need a large number of charms to see any real progress.

Just my take, I’ve only been around since July so I’m sure others might have more sound advice.

That said, if you don’t play at the lower levels, don’t bother getting any charms that aren’t 3 clovers or more. Save the party tickets for bigger parties, and GnG actually tend to see more generosity than the buster or buster/ blitz and since you can do it with just tickets, it saves you gems. Certain hosts tend to draw more generous patrons. well sorry if that’s something already known but thought, I get 4 clover regularly, some from the city most from parties. I just stockpile them til I am ready to hit the 500k plus bets.

Hope that answers some questions and gives you some options

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Thank you for your input! That was very, very helpful!!!

Bubble Magic and Rimuru pls allow me to share my observations after many tests.
It makes very little difference how you use your charms. It only feels right to have a charm deplete itself after 3 or 4 pours, instead of 1 pour when you undercharm the game or 12 pours when you overcharm the game but the number of coins you will get from them is about the same, about 4-5K coins for each gem it cost to buy the charm with the higher priced charms being a bit more cost effective. So a 5-gem beer charm will give you about 21K coins, a 300-gem oyster charm will give you about 1.5M coins and a 1100-gem Elixir charm will give you about 6M coins. It is more accurate to rank charms by their gem value but the cloverleaf system is necessary because most charms are not for sale but gifted by CW. Hope this helps.


Thank you Jimee, I remembered reading your post about charm payouts which helped alot, my apologies for forgetting.


Thx Jimee! I went with your method and it helped tremulously!!! Rimuru, you helped as well. Thank you guys, I’m on a roll here!!!