high priced party charms

every time i go to a party that takes a lot of party passes I never get all the charms…An .example …last party i was suppose to get 25 unicorns and only got 20 .the more party passes the party takes the more i lose out on the charms …it happens every time .

I have similar experiences. 2 floral boquets as part of the buster blitz only gave 40. I think the higher the number of clovers a charm has affects the total number. Unlike level 1, which gives 25 as a base, Rocket ships that are lvl 4 I think give 5 or 10.
Also the buster type parties, the base determines how many charms are needed to bust it. Thus a 1 beer party will take less charms to bust it than a 1 champagne party. So 2 beer base party will require twice the number of charms to bust than a 1 beer party. I think the total number of charms you recieve is based on the number of clovers 25 at lvl 1 and 2, 20 at lvl 3, 10 at level 4…just a guess. At the party the mathematical formula that determines the slope of the payout curve goes up exponentially as you reach that final buster prize.

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@Suzie1693 I don’t think you’re losing charms. You’re just not seeing them.

What I mean:

Beer is such a low-priced charm, they are organized 25 at a time in your list on the right.

Unicorns are such a high-priced charm, they are organized 5 at a time in the list…so you only see 20. But the other 5, are added to your total.

Next time you go to a unicorn party check your unicorn charm total before the party, and afterwards. Say you have 0 unicorns. After the party you should show 5 in your charms list, and 20 on the right hand side.