Charm parties titles

Wanted to enter party, but not knowing what “gng” & “snp” in host description meant.

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Hi bubble_magic,
GNG means Grab and Go - no need to throw charms just grab your charms and leave if you like
SNP means Stay and Play - you can throw charms to play and bust the meter.

The host gives you a choice of what you want to do at the party. If it doesn’t say that it usually is an assumption to throw charms to help with the meter prizes (when the party is placed in a Party Buster Platform).
If its on a Grab n Go platform there is no need to write in the description of what the party is.

Some hosts like to put their party on a Party Buster platform but say GNG because it lets everyone know that you don’t have to throw charms when you come to the party but knowing some who want who to play have the option to bust the meter.

From experience, the really big parties the meter is hard to bust. I find a lot of people even in a Grab n Go party will toss charms just because of their generous nature.
Hope this explanation helps. Have fun!


That is so good to know and I appreciate your input! Thank you so much!!!

@Goldy_Oldy good explanation, I’ll expand on it just a little
The figures I use hereafter are at best guestimates of the how the party buster & blitz meter works.
the best way to describe a party meter is that there is a curve + x that adjust the steepness of the curve. So 1 beer to enter is easier to bust than a 2 beer entry. Go up to champagne entry fee and its 10x as hard to bust than a 1 beer party. The curve starts flat and increases much like an exponential curve. So 20 charms may get you to the 1st hurdle, but you’ll need almost 30x those same charms to get from the fifth to the sixth hurdle.
Anyway thats an approximation from my observations. Hope this helps.



Fascinating! I enjoy your testament of experience, as well as Goldy_Oldy and Jimmi. I’m totally amazed how the meter work based on certain charms. Thank you all for that!!!

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Bubble Magic you really need to attend parties because after a successful party, you will get charms worth 25 times your entry fee ,free from CW, you cannot afford not to attend parties if you want to get ahead. Also the tosses you make and receive at parties are also many times returns.

Thx Jimee! I’m learning a LOT from you! I keep checking on the forum for tips. Thanks again!!!

Bubblemagic, I’m not the most knowledgeable one here but if you’re not attending parties, then you’re missing out on a lot. It’s a very important link in CW.
Get party passes (from wherever you can), attend parties with them, get 25X charms,
play games with your charms, stop playing when your charms run out, figure out how to get more party passes. If you play games without charms,you will lose. If you have sufficient charms, you will win. You want to win everyday so your coin balance goes up and up. The bigger your city is,the more party passes you will get from the Treasure Box and the buildings. So invest in your city. Never buy charms with your gems when sitting and playing a game,you will only get 1X the charm.I spend 70% of my time hunting for charms, 5% building the city and 25% gambling.

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