My TreasureBox has "Lost it's Mind"! :(

Something seems to really be “out of whack” with my TB! :frowning:

I select a 4Hr Bubbles/Lightning and get 2.2K Passes (Great), then I select a 10Min Smoke and get 9.9K Passes :open_mouth: wtf?
I select a 2Hr Flaming/Lightning and get 3.3K Passes (OK), then I select a 10Min Steam and get 1.3K Gems :open_mouth: Crazy!
I give up on TBs past 1Hr (Except Flaming/Bubbling Lightning, Can’t help myself, LOL :slight_smile: ) and do the 10Min Boxes! Plain Flaming/Bubbling is OK on the 1Hr Box sometimes!
Doing the 10Min TB, mostly no matter the type, gives me LOTs of Good stuff (Gems, Passes, Big Charms, Big Coin Amts) but doggone that’s taxing! :frowning:

THEN, All of a sudden, the 10Min TBs starts giving me Apples, GreenJars, NO Gems/Passes and Low Coin Amts! :frowning: Again wtf?

Has anyone elses TB “Lost it’s Mind”? :frowning: Just Curious! :smiley:


Yes @SteveSunset my TB has also lost it’s mind. They really need to take the statement off that longer TB’s give you better prizes. I have never found that to be true, even when I first started. The other day I took a 2 hour flaming/lightning and got 1K gems. Then I took a nine minute flame and got 6.7K gems. Love getting more gems, but it’s disappointing taking that long of a box and getting so little. Every once in awhile I’ll even get really low coins (19M) or a spade! Now that’s really disappointing. I always take the brown box unless one of the others is bubbling/flaming and lightning.


I have experienced the same thing. Longer waiting times do not generally make any difference - in my experience. So, I guess we just pick the best box according to our hunches - rather than go by “longer waiting time produces higher prizes.” (Not Necessarily)


The system rewards those who spend a lot of time on their site. By the time you prick a purple box, you could have pricked 22 brown boxes. There’s no way a purple box can pay more than 22 brown boxes. I get to prick about 80 brown boxes a day. After you finish the daily challenges, a new day begins, in the beginning, you will get the passes,gems, valuable charms and the prizes will taper off to be smaller bags of coins until a new set of daily challenges appears and a new day is begun. I always pick the brown box unless going out for a few hours or going to sleep.


I have previously suggested to @Samantha that especially for people who have maxed out their cities, that in order for boxes to pay out more based on length that they increase the minimums:

Brown Box: 2000 pp, 25MM coins, 1 charm
Blue Box: 3000 pp, 30 MM coins, 2 charms
Yellow Box: 4000pp, 35 MM coins, 3 charms
Purple Box: 5000pp, 40MM coins, 4 charms


My boxes pretty much pay the same. I just get more luckiest 7s and mystic rubys in the longer boxes that I only use when I go to sleep or leave for a few hours. passes I get between 2300 and 19,900 usually it’s around 3900. gems up to 9900 average is around 1900 coins i usually get around 3500


YES, TRUE! But, I get ALL of that from my 10Min TB ALL DAY LONG :slight_smile: It’s just strange to me I get 2.2K Passes from a 2Hr Bubbling/Lightning then soon after get 19.9K Passes from a 10Min Plain Smoke TB! :frowning: Just saying, LOL! :rofl:


I am Kinda obsessed by these Treasure Boxes :frowning: My Monthly Report says I opened 1012 of them :smiley: Am I alone? How many did you open? :star_struck:


I opened 1080. I stick with the little box for the first several days until I get the half time boxes, unless one of the other boxes is doing both flaming and lightning or bubbles and lightning, or if I’m headed to bed I’ll take a bigger box. Once I get the half time boxes, I usually take the little box, unless the 1 hour box is either flaming or bubbling, or if a longer box is doing two things. This month even switching out challenge boxes, I can’t get much above 10 points for each, so it’s going to take me longer than normal to get that half time box. Unless I get lucky on the points tomorrow, I won’t get it until Wednesday.


I do the same as you :smiley:


@SteveSunset, you mentioned a “Monthly Report” that details the number of Treasure Boxes opened. Where is that to be found? The only thing I get is this Seasonal Vault report :

NOTE: I am NOT a VIP. Does that matter?


Megroot, Hit the gear shaped settings-email & social-monthly gameplay highlights. Btw I still don’t receive my reports because they got my email wrong but they say they’re fixing it.


Your Monthly Report is received to the E-mail address you have listed for CW to contact you. You turn this Option ON under your Settings Menu.

Make sure to check your Spam and Promotions Folders on your E-mail and correct if necessary. As far as I know this Option is available to ALL Players :smiley:


I am seeing more Strangeness, LOL! :frowning: Are Yall?


Where do you find out how many you have opened?


That Info is on your Monthly Report you get from CW. Read above for more Info :smiley:


I am “LEARNING” everyday!

There comes a point in “TIME” on our CW when your City gets so “Large”, the HMP becomes “Meaningless”! :frowning:

This Topic becomes “Meaningless” as a result!

I am “Guessing” My City has “MAXED OUT” my TB and it will never follow the “NORMAL” TB Rules again? Should I be Happy or NOT! ?

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