When you click on Request Archive in the profile section under the heading Export Your Data, please be more specific about what information is sent and where does it go? Does it show up in your profile and is it public or private?
Exporting your data is specific to the forum, so this information would only include your activity on the forum. No activity on Casino World would be included.
You would get a private system message, and you can download the data to view. Only you would have access to this information.
Thanks for clearing that up, Samantha. The way it’s worded it sounded to me like information would be taken from your game play rather than your forum activity.
my computers slow walks me to open then freezes
Sorry to hear that @carlsonoyz. You should open a ticket in Customer Service to see if they can figure out what’s going on with your computer.
I noticed something similar with a win10 pc. The processer is older and although I seldom hit 30% in my ram, the task manager shows high/very high cpu usage/power consumption. I’ve never seen a game that utilizes 90% of the cpu…but as I said mine is 16 years old. If you have windows check the task manager to see how much resources are being used, you could be looking at a network bottleneck, or just aging components that have issues with amount of resources needed to run the game. As for tablets and phones, I cant say how to access the data, but it may just be time for an upgrade. Sorry, wish I could be of more help.