Unicorn Math

(I’m flying home from Vancouver, and I’m bored, so indulge me.)

I really only go to Unicorn parties now - and I wait until I get the bonus charm so I can get 26 instead of 25 per 950 party passes. Unicorns may not be the most valuable charm per party pass, but I like them because they pay off big on small bet games like mahjong or sparkplug poker - minimizing the time to needed to cash them out.

Unicorns are worth 4.8M coins figured out by someone else.

So that means 1 party pass (PP) in terms of unicorns is:

1 PP = 4.8M x 26 /950 = 0.1314M coins
so 7611 PP = 1B coins

so far in December I have collected 167000 party passes, waiting to get that bonus charm.

so 167000 PP = 21.9B coins.

I will be going to a lot of Unicorn parties and then cash them out using Blackjack, Mahjong or Sparkplug. I like Blackjack best because it cashes the charms out fast and has a positive expected value (although there is a high standard deviation)

I’m curious what other people do.


I mainly attend unicorn parties and save them to use on a 3-card. Betting max on both the initial bet and the pair plus and stacking the unis by 4 or 5 per hand increases my payout.

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On a 10m board in Mahjong I average just over 25m per 5 block of unicorns but it takes only 6 - 8 moves for the 5 to empty so if it’s a board with lots of tiles there’s opportunity to burn through a lot of unicorns and pile the coins up.

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Love those Ponies :slight_smile: I also collect the BlueTonics (worth about 10M per set of 5)! I figure 200Ponies=1B and 500Tonic=1B. I play SparkPlug, Jacks+, 100hands at 5K per hand for 500K bet. I Load LOTS of Tonic which pays me 40M+ (99% of the time) no matter what. I load 4 sets of Ponies when I get a HOLD on my hand which pays me 100M+ (100% of the time)! I use GoldCards in place of the Tonics also. They load 1 at a time and pay about 8M each, 32M per hand.That is Truly WIN BIG, lose small, LOL :slight_smile:

I mostly use All Ponies on Majong. I like to have 400-500 at least to play table! I play 10M and have to play Random. I usually get a VeryLarge table. I always complete and Win Billions. Again, WIN BIG and Never lose here :slight_smile:

I also use them on my, seems like daily, LilyPond Challenge as they pay me well there. :slight_smile:

I never put used ones back in my buffer. I cash them out on SparkPlug. This keeps from de-valuing the ones in my collection!

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Elanor, Unicorns pour fast and deplete itself fast in any game. By contrast, Nectars
pour slowly and make more pours. Nectars will yield more coins than Unicorns because nectars cost 1100 gems versus unicorns 950 gems.Your figure of 21.9B coins is quite accurate but don’t forget to deduct the losses for the game that you will be using to coin out the unicorns. Good luck!


I like NectarTIME on FireLotus :slight_smile: Unicorns Pay WaySlow on that game :frowning:

Switched all my dailies to try to get that extra 5 points.
I can’t wait! LOL


If it is of interest @SteveSunset @Elanor @Jimee @Kbird I cashed out one of the new crystal palaces in Mahjong and it paid me just over 8m also a 5 block of the espresso machine netted 12.4m on the same board - a pair of tiles was paying 144000 coins

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Eddi Bets, I estimated 1 gem to pay about 4200 coins with the higher value charms to be progressively more cost effective so your crystal palace @ 2000 gems, I would expect
about 8.6m coins, but I’ll take “just over 8m”, it’s close enough.


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