Can we get the Building Upgrade list back?

The old forum had a listing of what each upgradable building cost and turned into.


That is a great idea. Maybe also a list of what buildings are not on the list at present.

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@Mister_Kev @Northwoods_Girl I hope this works. I had luckily saved this from the old Help site. Didn’t do any edits so think it is still pretty accurate.


Love it! Thank you very much.

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THANKS! Can’t seem to find the one I saved.

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I was the one who originally posted the list. I’ll check and see if the one that @PB234 posted above is the most up to date version.


@Luck_Is_ALady I couldn’t remember who it was that posted it but appreciate you speaking up. It was one of the many helpful pieces of information I gathered from the Zendesk help when I started playing the game. I read a lot of older posts which provided great information.

I checked my files, and the chart that @PB234 posted is the most up to date version. I’m glad it’s been helpful to other players.

There used to also be a list of which monuments evolve into which higher level monuments… I believe Night Guy had posted it. Would be great to get that list back as well. I’ll see about reaching out to him.

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@Ancient_Echoes You can also go to the profile of Hellcatt. She has the monuments displayed in the order of evolution for each one. Look at her city.


Fantastic! Thank you so much!

Some of these names don’t look familiar. Best Southern? Food Bus? Bingo Bango? Bamboo Palace?

those names are real, I’ve done some in the last month. They tend to be upgrades of the first couple tiers as I’m only 2 months into playing. Thank you for the list. made a copy just not sure how to put it on a profile page because of length. But thanks @PB234 I was looking for something like this.
Laundry Poker upgrades to Celebrity Poker with something like 25m *I’ve never been able to afford it so I can’t cofirm if its 2.5, or 25 but I get this upgrade alot.

hope this helps


Thank you, @DL_Rimuru, for the info about the Laundry Poker upgrade. I’ll add that to the chart. I made it after I’d been here for awhile, and relied on others to help me complete it. The entries in red with question marks are guesses that still need to be confirmed.

I doubt there’s any way you can post it in your profile because there’s a character limit and I’m pretty sure the chart is way over that. That’s why it needs to be here in Help where there’s the room and formatting flexibility to post things like pictures and charts. Since there seems to be quite a bit of interest in it, I think I’ll make a new topic devoted to the chart and re-post it so it will be easy to locate. Then you can mention in your profile that the chart can be found here.