Advance City Building Discussion
Based on conversations from the linked, it seems there are several concepts for advanced building out here.
From what I gleaned, upgrading buildings seems like and inefficient means of gem management. That’s not to say that upgrading buildings should be avoided, it just a matter of timing to get the most bang for you gem as @SteveSunset has implied.
Is upgrading a waste.

  • NO, but do you waste gems upgrading over getting another tier 6 building a monument? Upgrading a building just to use it in a monument is a complete waste of gems. Upgrading for aesthetical value is fine but I’d put it off til I was accruing a significant number of gems.
  • I understand wanting to upgrade buildings but from a city management point. There are some early building upgrades that might increase you’re city haul. But how long will it take you to recoup those gems?
  • Try not to use examples of purchasing buildings by buying gems. As much as it can help develop the city, its more likely to cause despondent reactions. Large purchases of gems makes building the city easier, but not everyone can afford the prices. And it gives an unrealistic view of city development rates.

That out of the way, I hope to see varying viewpoints on the subject. I’m a newb here, So I’m more interested in basics and formulae, but the previous topic really felt like it was about dispelling the notion that upgrading buildings had a positive effect on the growth of a city. maybe i’m mistaken.

Hope to hear some interesting viewpoints.



I think all viewpoints that get shared here are worth reading and then deciding if it pertains to how you wish to play within the game. Maybe some do not fit the style of your play while others do. Or maybe someone reads a viewpoint they have not tried yet which provides them with the opportunity to give it a try. If it works for them, great. If it does not, also great since they can then focus on another direction. Maybe that is the point of the game. No one way is right for every player of the game since they have different objectives?

Not everyone has discretionary income to spend to purchase Gems (and not everyone who has advanced in the game has purchased Gems) and Gems are the key to being able to advance your city which rewards you with the possibility of more Gems, Party Passes, etc. Building your city with Gems earned within the game takes time in the beginning along with being efficient in how you spend those hard-earned Gems. Trying to match what a higher tier player is capable of doing, as an example, is something that will not be done when starting out in the game. Most of us are impatient (at least I know I have been) because we want that right away. But those players were in the same position when they started. Some may have just been luckier, some may have purchased Gems and others studied the game and learned what works best. These are the tips they list in their profile or in this Help tool. Some opinions do not always match which again points to there are different avenues and using what works for you is the reward.

I’m not trying to upset anyone or say I have the answer with this lengthy reply, just sharing my personal experience and thoughts which was a desire to get more faster than what was reality when I started playing. Just keep increasing your coin total each day (you don’t help yourself by going backwards as I have tried to learn), keep building your city within your means each day if possible (I can ‘t always do this with the speed I wish) and this should help getting to that ultimate goal you have for yourself. It might take time or it might happen quickly, but it has to be within your means and your type of play for it to be rewarding and fun.
Thanks for reading.


I went ‘backwards’ coinwise a few months ago, and finally recouped the loss today, and gained an MS level (#29)! Yes, a new building.

I am going to get through this month, with the 3 buildings offered from doing Challenges. See how I am doing by Christmas.


Did going “backwards” involve slot macjines? Just asking :slight_smile:

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well said. You’re on the money, not everyone is in the same financial position. @SteveSunset had some great viewpoints in the previous topic. Everyone should be able to pick and chose different methods of how they want to build out. Sometimes that includes meshing multiple ideas into one practice. Its just a matter of opinion and which ideas suit the player. There is no one right way, if there was, the world wouldnt be in the shape its in.
Lets hope this subject helps everyone who reads it. Thanks for the idea Steve.


CityBuiding is Simple! The relation of the City HeightenedMultiplierPeriod(HMP) on NewBuildings and NewMonuments to TreasureBox(TB) is more difficult.

I Build assuming the HMP on the Buildings is 4Days and Monuments is 2Days. During this time, your TB gets more Power towards you Prize! After that time they “normalize” and the HMP ends. Thats when I MonumentMake and Evolve and Replace my buildings.

All the Buildings and Monuments have TierLevels listed in the Building Shop.

T1-6 Can MonumentMake 100Gems worth of Bldgs a Level1(L1)(T7) Monument. All L1 and T7s are worth 100Gems.
T7-9 Can Evolve a L1 into L2. It takes 900Gems worth of Bldgs and Monuments to Evolve your L1Mon to a L2Mon worth 1000Gems.
T10-14 Can Evlove a L2 into L3. It takes 9000Gems worth of Bldgs and Monuments to Evolve your L2Mon to a L3Mon worth 10000Gems.
T14-18 Can Evlove a L3 into L4. It takes 70000Gems worth of Bldgs and Monuments to Evolve your L3Mon to a L4Mon worth 80000Gems.

You Can actually build your City 100Gems at a time!
(2)T6 Buildings MonMake to L1(T7) Monument worth 100Gems.
MonMake (9) more and EVOLVE that L1 to a L2(T10) worth 1000Gems.
Do that (9) more times and EVOLVE that L2 to a L3(T15) worth 10000Gems.
Do that (7) more times and EVOLVE that L3 to a L4(T21) worth 80000Gems.

Daunting Right, LOL :slight_smile: If you use the HMP while Building, Your TB will reward you! Soon you will be adding T7(100Gem) Buildings to your process, Then T8(200Gem) Buildings, Then T9(500Gem) Buildings! Thats as far as I go with my City Building :slight_smile: I use (1)L1+(1)T9+(2)T8s to EVOLVE a L2 and use (10) L2s to Evolve My L3s, Over and Over, LOL! I keep my L3s and Collect Daily at 24Hrs Because I like my Wine/Gold Cards! Remember your TB (MEAT) gives you 95% of your Rewards here. Use the HMP while Building your CITY (GRAVY).
GL Yall, Hope this Helps someone :slight_smile:


Adding to what Steve said: It’s best to think of every building in terms of Gems, not Building tokens. If you want to convert, 25000 BT = 1 Gem.

I’ve attached a table for all the buildings. The important thing for building or upgrading monuments is NEVER OVERSPEND.

You can use any combination of buildings as long as you exactly match. For example, if I get a level 4 building as a reward (10 gems), I need 90 Gems of buildings more to convert to a L1 monument. So I build 2 level 5, 1 level 6, wait at least 4 full days to take advantage of HMP, then convert to L1.


Very good table Elanor. The combination of buildings don’t have to “exactly match”.
For example you can use 105 gems to make an L1 monument and CW will give you
change back in the form of more coins, or so they say.


I went backwards a few times, but I finally learned my lesson. The blackjack dealer (at least in single player) is extremely lucky. Betting 5 hands at 50Mil each is a quick way to lose a billion or two…


So true! She gets really lucky there.

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I don’t know if CW does give you more coins if you over pay and I can’t think how you could tell if it had unless you saw it happen during the building process.
I have certainly over paid to turn L1 into L2 monuments, using 2 T9 buildings not even thinking that the value of the L1 monument counted (not very bright!) I have however, learned the error of my ways thanks to those in this thread who have generously shared their knowledge

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Eddi Bets, I believe they did give change back in the past when I overpaid, there will be a fiery burst of unscheduled coin payments.I also see this same fiery burst when I make monuments from new buildings without waiting for HMP. Recently I don’t see those fiery bursts anymore. Therefore I will not overpay by too much or forgo the HMP by too much.

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Thanks, I’ll pay more attention in future if I happen to over pay

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It sounds like you might get gems back if you overspend. I’ve never overspent, so I don’t know.

Even if you got some coins, you are losing gems. I would never trade gems for coins as it lowers the value of my city. So again I say, NEVER OVERSPEND.


TYVM! I never overspend either

i always want to wipe the smirk off the dealers face when i lose… … lol Anyone else feel the same way? hhaha @Northwoods_Girl


Or jerk their hair out.