City Coins, Prizes, and Awards

Do city prizes and rewards ever get better? I build on my city every day and usually have about 155 buildings. I collect the coins when all buildings have coins which (I think) is every six hours. Payouts vary but average about $20M. I open the prize boxes every morning, usually 85-100 with 110-130 rewards. Most rewards are 1 clover charms with a few 2s and 3s and minimal party passes and gems - often less than 100 pp and less than 15 gems. At what point do these get better? At my current building pace, I might have my first Tier 21 building by Christmas. Thx for any input and advice.

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The value of your city determines the value of the prizes you get. its not how many buildings you have but the tier of the buildings. you need at least a tier 12 to get good prizes in teh green boxes. take your smaller buildings and make them into monuments you will get bigger prizes.

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I have no idea what anyone is talking about , I have been trying to find how to win , and what you win with no answers and what I have read now , nobody has a clue what there doing . A good simple explanation would be nice .

Hi pat4533 we all started off like that. I have some ‘beginner’ tips listed on my profile that may help as well as a list of other players with GREAT advice on how to play (and win) at Casino World. I hope they help - GOOD LUCK

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Remember, Your City is not your POWER Here! Your TB is your TRUE POWER! The Biggest Charm you can get from a Monument is WINE/GoldCards! I get those from my L3s! 6 Hours collection is not giving your City TIME to fully POWER up? I collect as close to 24Hrs Every day to get my Wine/GoldCards from my L3 Monuments! Every Building has a MAX Charm it will give and I find 22-24hrs to be the SweetSpot! Get a City Building Routine using the HMP to Feed and POWER your TB! Keep your L3s to get your Wine/GoldCards Daily! Remember your TB is your POWER here! Your City is just Gravy on your TB MEAT!

I just started, and am still learning. You will catch on!

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Just for those that don’t know, What is TB?
Are you able to play, and just keep hitting the later button or just ignore the your city is ready? or do you have to remain logged out to compile larger payouts?

Appreciate the prime target collection time, I had tried to figure that out a few months ago.

Personally I have issues with my city not giving coin, doesn’t matter which city treasure chest I chose. 18 hours and 0 coins. Its not uncommon for me to collect 1.5 million, chose the purple chest, go to sleep…log in 20 hours later and no coins, sometimes doesn’t bother to give the individual chests as well. A guest account no monument pulls in more and its 6 days old than an acct thats has a t3 monument thats close to 120 consecutive days old. I gave up trying to make sense of the city, because I can’t envision how they calculate anything city related.
And I honestly have given up with my account getting fixed. I’m on my fourth restart because of glitches.

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TB is a Treasure Box; what you’re calling a treasure chest.

Value from your city is from Monuments. You need 21 or 22 Level 4 monuments to max out your city. Around 1,700,000 gems. At that point, you’ll get a minimum of $25MM, 1000 gems, 2000 party passes or a Luckiest 7/Mystic Ruby charm.

Hi @Big_E_2 by Level 4 monument I am correct in thinking you mean the 4th level you can evolve a monument to? I have monuments but they’re described as Tier levels when I hover over them - so the 1st level of monument I have are equivalent to tier 7 buildings. I managed to make (not sure how but I have one) a 3rd level monument but I can’t evolve it as I have no tier 14 to 18 buildings.
It will be a while before that baby gets to grow but I can wait; I’m enjoying learning how to make the most of it all to be honest

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@Eddi_Bets Yes, the 4th level you can evolve to, which would be evolving one already created 3rd level monument using seven more Level 3 monuments or different combinations of high-gem purchased buildings.

It takes 80,000 gems to make one Level 4 monument from start to finish.


Thank-you @Big_E_2 that’s great to know.

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I’m having as much fun reading these tips as I do playing the game. Obviously, I have a ways to go, lol. As I understand it, L1-4 monuments identify as T7, 10, 15, and 21. Am I on track?


L1 is tier 7 which is abbreviated to T7 and cost 100 gems.
L2 is tier 10 which is T10 and cost 1000 gems.
L3 is tier 15 which is T15 and cost 10,000 gems.
L4 is tier 21 which is T21 and cost 80,000 gems.
Check out my city if you want to see all the possible monument types.


Check this out :smiley: