To me, CityBuilding is THE MOST FUN!!! thing here on our CW I must admit, it took me more than “a minute” to figure out “My Way” that fits me and “My Goals”! You will find “Your Way” to fit “Your Goals” And it CAN BE DONE 100Gems at a time! Granted, VIP Membership and GemBuying will speed up the process! But you can build a PowerfulCity over time, slowly and surely 100Gems at a time. And always REMEMBER, Your TreasureBox(TB) is your RewardCenter here, NOT YourCity! YourCity FEEDS POWER to your TB! BiggerCity means BiggerTB Have FUN!!!, thats what it is ALL about!
The T15-T18 Buildings are Crown Rewards. The T1-T14 Buildings can be Purchaced in the Building Shop slight_smile Good Luck!
I really LOVE how @Jimee built her City to show the EVOLUTION of Monuments! SUPER Reference TYVM Jimee