Greetings everyone!

Hello everyone,

I’m Night Guy, and I’m excited to be part of the new Casino World forum! You might recognize me from the parties and tips I share around the game. I’ve been on Casino World for quite some time, and my goal has always been to help others make the most of their experience here. Whether it’s maximizing gems, understanding the nuances of the game, or just enjoying some good company at the parties, I’m here to contribute and learn from all of you.

Looking forward to connecting with both familiar faces and new friends here on the forum. Let’s keep the good vibes rolling and make this community as helpful and fun as possible!

Night Guy


Hi Night Guy. Will be nice to see your help topics back once you get that chance.



I second that!
I just joined, and your tips/ tricks post from the old site was really illuminating.

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Yay! You made the transition! Now for all those tips you’ve passed on…

Welcome back Night Guy. I was finally able to afford the parties you threw for the first time last week and wasn’t disappointed.

Thanks for all your help Night Guy. I saved your old post from last December on the old forum. Might be useful to cut and paste it back here.


stormie also has tips and tricks posted on her profile i have tried them they work

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So glad to see you here. I was recently looking for your Holiday Tips post from the old forum… it showed us which monuments evolve into which higher level monuments, as well as all kinds of other tips and information you compiled… such as charm, treasure box, building upgrade info and more. I was sooo sad to see that post in particular disappear. Hoping you may have it saved somewhere. TY TY by the way for all you contribute to this game. You are a gem!

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Ancient Echoes if you want to see how the monuments evolve,go see my city.

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