How to expedite a Request for help from CW

@Samantha I was looking to see if there was a guide that provides the best guidance in submitting a request. I didn’t find one when I looked, maybe i missed it.
Basically, I’m looking at what information to include, when to use video(max size of video attachment allowed)/screenshots. Something to streamline the purpose so newer players know how to expedite there requests. I’d post but I think this should be an official How to submit a request topic not player generated.


Thanks for your feedback. For the idea of wanting to know when screenshots or a video would be helpful when submitting a request, I’m not sure a dedicated help article for this would be needed.

If you think submitting a screenshot or video would be helpful, you can submit it with your original request. If Customer Support needs that information, we will let you know we need it.

If there’s an issue that needs to be investigated by our teams, the most we can do is pass it along. Screenshots or a video will not always expedite a request.

Handling requests is very much on a case-by-case basis, so there wouldn’t be specific steps to follow for every request submitted to our team. The best option is to submit the request, and Customer Support can determine what is needed to move forward.

thanks for the response, I’ve only asked because I’ve needed screenshots and video on all my requests so far.

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