SUPER TIP -Treasure Box Mystery - Discussion

I beleive your TreasureBox (TB) is the Greatest RewardCenter here on our CW! You will receive 95% of your resources, such as; Gems, PartyPasses and SuperCharms, from it :smiley: (Coins not so much)

Yes, you get some of these resources from your City! But the amounts and value of CityRewards are Small compared to your TB. For example, the #1 Charm you can get from your City is a GoldCard worth about 8M and #2 is a HolidayWine worth about 3.5M+. The MysticRuby and YellowLucky7, you can get from your TB, are worth about 100M+ :open_mouth: Also, your TB gives Gems and Passes in the 10s and 100s of thousands unlike the smaller amounts from your City.

As you Build and your City grows, your TB Rewards grow! :slight_smile:

I have been using @Night_Guy explanation of TBs from my beginning. I have included it below with examples of MY interpretation of what each looks like :smiley:

Notice at the Bottom of the next Pic “Longer timers = Bigger prizes!”? Well, when your City gets VERY Large, I’m pretty sure that gets thrown out the window, LOL :smiley: It does work well in the beginning!
Make sure to wait a few seconds before Selecting to see if Lightning appears!

Flaming Lightning #1 for Gems - Sometimes Passes
Flaming    Lightning

Bubbling Lightning #1 for PartyPasses
Bubbles Lightning

Steaming Lightning #1 for Charms - Sometimes Gems or Passes
Steaming    Lightning

Smoking Lightning #1 for Coins - Sometimes Gems,Passes or Charms
Smoking    Lightning

Flaming - Good Chance for Gems - Sometimes Passes or Charms

Bubbling - Good chance for Passes - Sometimes Charms or Gems

Steaming - Good chance for Charms - Sometimes Gems,Passes or Coins

Smoking - Good chance for Coins - Sometimes Gems,Passes or Charms

For me, opening my TB is like a kid opening a Christmas Present :slight_smile: Most of time it’s “Shoot, more socks and underwear!” :frowning: But sometimes it’s “Heck Yeah, TYTYTY, Just what I wanted!” :smiley:

Remember, Your TB grows as your City grows! It’s like a SnowBall rolling down a Mountain! Hope this helps some. If so, Take a Minute to LOGIN and LIKE IT :smiley:


Thanks for the gifs. It’s sometimes hard to see the difference between smoke and steam.


the easiest way to tell between smoke and steam would be the rate at which it moves, the smoke billows slow and you can notice drafts moving in different directions at times look at the bottoms of the last two boxes above. Smoke will gather and seep away from the box while steam hugs it close
steam is almost like a wind tunnel effect, its appears to move faster than the smoke and mostly in a upward direction.
the rate of flickering, determines the speed, will be different, as noted in @SteveSunset pics. Hope this helps, it took me awhile to pick up on the nuances.


LOL, Yeah, took me a minute when I got here too :smiley:

I already said that :smiley:

Thanks for the pictures. Very helpful for me.

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